American flank steak

CHF 9.95


The Flank Steak also known as bavetta, is a meat that lends itself perfectly to grilling, in fact being a fairly thin and uniform cut it cooks quickly and can be seasoned by leaving it for many hours in a marinade.

The Flank Steak is obtained from the muscles of the bovine belly.
With an elongated and thin conformation, it is a very tasty meat despite being lean and almost fat-free, moreover being a muscle that works a lot (unlike the fillet for example) it is rich in connective tissue.

This is why it is important to cook this steak correctly so that it is soft, moist and tasty, for optimal cooking use a thermometer and cook the meat on a grill, at high temperature for a few minutes, the core temperature must be between 50 ° C. and 55 ° C according to the desired cooking level.

I recommend accompanying this delicious meat with a full-bodied glass of red wine:

Cabernet DOC or Merlot DOC, Italy

Cornalin AOC Valais or Syrah AOC Valais, Switzerland

Bordeaux AOC, France

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