Breton shortcrust pastry

CHF 9.95


Breton shortcrust pastry, or sablé breton, is a very soft and crumbly shortcrust pastry very rich in butter and decidedly more savory than common shortcrust pastry.

It is used for biscuits, funds and pies.

The differences between common shortbread biscuits and Breton shortbread biscuits (called in French “palets bretons” because they are typical of the Brittany region) lie in the quantity of ingredients (unbalanced on butter, salt and yolk compared to the quantity of flour) presence of a pinch of yeast in the dough.

Pair this recipe with a sweet sparkling wine:

Moscato d’Asti DOCG, Italy

Mauler Cordon Rosé demi-sec, Switzerland

Champagne Grand Cru AOC Bankize Doux, France

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