Mont Blanc

CHF 9.95

Mont Blanc is a dessert made with chestnut puree, whipped cream and cocoa powder, whose shape resembles that of the snow-covered mountain of the same name.

The dessert is very popular in Italy, France and Switzerland but its name suggests that it was originally conceived in the Duchy of Savoy.

Try my Mont Blanc recipe and if you don’t want to use the meringues you will find on the market, I recommend you make them yourself:

Click here to discover the meringue recipe.

Furthermore, you can perfectly accompany your creation with one of these excellent wines:

Moscato d’Asti DOCG, Italy

Cuvèe Or AOC Valais, Switzerland

Cremant du Jura AOC or Champagne Brut AOC, France

Crémant du Jura AOC ou Champagne Brut AOC, France

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