Paste di Meliga

CHF 9.95


Paste di Meliga are biscuits prepared with fioretto corn flour, which in Piedmontese dialect is called melia or meliga, are in fact originating in Piedmont, in particular in the area of Cuneo and Mondovì and it is said that they were born when due to an increase of the price of wheat, bakers began to mix corn flour with their usual ingredients to create these biscuits.

Working it looks like a very soft and fluffy dough and is modeled through the sac-à-poche into small round or rectangular donuts.

Paste di meliga are usually served with zabaglione or accompanied with a glass of sweet or passito sparkling wine of your choice:

Moscato d’Asti DOCG or Moscato passito or Passito di Pantelleria, Italy

Valais AOC Dessert Hurlevent or CAGI Cantina Giubiasco Chardor Passito Bianco del Ticino DOC, Switzerland

Champagne Grand Cru AOC Bankize Doux or Barsac Sauternes AOC, France

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