The Cigar

CHF 24.95


The creation of this dessert was inspired by the most exclusive cigar lounges, requiring a month of experimentation and refinement to achieve the desired result.

During the creative process, I paid extreme attention to detail, trying to reproduce with the utmost precision the shape and decoration of a cigar in its ideal setting.

Furthermore, the ashtray I created to accompany the dessert not only completes the sensory experience offered by the product, but also adds a touch of authenticity and elegance to its presentation.

The result is a unique and original dessert, perfect for gourmet and refined restaurants wishing to offer their customers a culinary experience of the highest quality.

Pair this dessert with a tasting of Rum or Cognac, among which I recommend:

Avola Rum, Sicily, Italy

Banquero Rhum Suisse, Switzerland

Armagnac, France

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